Blog Growth

12 Expert Quotes About Being An Expert At Giving Quotes

December 12, 2016

Roundup posts are all the rage right now because they’re so much easier to write than actually spending time thinking of genuinely useful content.

But even better than doing roundups is being featured in them. You get links, fame, and glory, all for giving a 2 sentence quote about a topic you may or may not have any experience in.

So we asked 12 experts to give us some marginally useful quotes about being an expert at giving quotes for roundups.

To do this, we sent 175 experts an unnecessarily long email asking for a simple quote, and we got 12 responses (pretty good conversion rate!).

Without further ado, here are their quotes and I’m so happy my work of writing a post is now done:

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“If everyone shares bad content, it actually, by definition, becomes good content. You see? That’s the magic behind it.”- Sean Mcarty, CEO,


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“Thank GOD for roundup posts. I used to spend day and night trying to build links the hard way, but now I just give 2 sentence quotes about random stuff and I’m ranking #1 for keywords like “buy flowers online”, it’s amazing.” – Rose Fairley, Chief Evangelist,


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“Do I actually share this shit after they publish it? Hell no! I just say thanks and give my dog a high five for another link built!” –Trevor Schneider, Founder,


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“I don’t actually want my audience to know that I help produce this, so can I use a pseudonym but still have you link to our domain?”- Lars Rasmussen, Co-founder,


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“How did you get my email?” – Tatiana Petroviska, CEO/CMO/CRO,


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“I take roundup posts really seriously. I have a full process for responding in the morning. First, I wake up and do 15 minutes of meditation using Headspace. Then, I make a cup of bulletproof coffee with an entire stick of grass fed butter in it. I import the butter from Chile because the grass fed butter here isn’t as good. Then reading, then reflection, and finally I respond to roundup requests. I find this way I get the most creativity to answer questions like ‘What are your top 3 marketing tools of 2017?’” – Edward Norris, Head of Customer Smiles,


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“My top 3 marketing tools are Ahrefs, BuzzSumo, and Wordable…I’m sorry, what’s the question?”- Jacob Stein, Founder,


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“Is it okay if I give you a photo of me from 20 years ago, even if it doesn’t look like me anymore?” – Jennifer McNalley, Head of Content,


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“At first, I was hesitant to add the word “influencer” to my LinkedIn byline, but like, fuck it, I’ve been an expert in 14 posts now.” – Summer Winters, Content Associate,


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“At first I thought, well, if there are 64 other experts being quoted, does that really make me an expert? But now I’ve learned to just relish the exposure.” – Bill Hegenberger, Founder,

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“I was in an Apple store last weekend and this one girl kept looking at me funny. I mean, I can’t say for sure it’s because of the round up posts, but things like this didn’t use to happen before, you know?” – Ed Corey, Javascript developer,

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“I’m actually starting a course on how to be an expert on roundup posts. I’ve been featured on 6 of them and they’ve changed my life. I want to share that experience with everyone, for $299.”- Dave Lally, Founder,

And there you have it, 12 experts dropping knowledge bombs on what it’s like to be featured in roundup posts. If you’d like to be featured in our next roundup, click here.

[su_note]If you publish posts with lots of images in them, like this one, and hate importing them into WordPress one by one, checkout our app Wordable. I wrote this whole post in Google Docs, dragged all images into the doc, and imported the whole thing into WordPress in one click. Try Wordable free, here. [/su_note]

Benji Hyam