Google Docs

How to Change Page Color on Google Docs

November 20, 2020

Have you thought about why we mostly write on a white page? When it comes to paper, that makes sense, for sure. But with Google Docs and Microsoft Word, why don’t we add more color to the pages we write on?

If you wondered the same thing and want to make your background color better suited for your needs, then you should be able to do that.

Fortunately, Google Docs has made this process easy. You can change page color on Google Docs in a few simple steps. Plus, you get to play around and be a bit creative.

This article will show you all the options you have regarding background color and Google Docs. You can apply this method to other Google clients, too, like Google Slide, Google Sheet, and suchlike. We’ll also go a bit into other page setup details and cover some of the most common questions about color and Google Docs.

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What is Changing Page Color on Google Docs?

When you change page color on Google Docs, all you’re doing is utilizing one of its many features. Sure, the white background is there by default, but you can change that too. If you’re used to writing on a yellow notepad with your hand, you can recreate it in Google Docs.

If yellow isn’t the color option for you, then you can choose any other you prefer. Anyway, typing text on a colorful pink background sounds like fun. You can even change the color back to white as soon as you finish the document.

Why Change Page Color on Google Docs?

Everyone has their own format style when it comes to the document outline and the whole document they’re working on. Perhaps you prefer a certain paper size and the space between the lines.

You might also choose to use a dark blue font instead of the default black. Also, some people need a template to guide them, and others like to make up as they go along. The same applies to page color on Google Docs. In most cases, unless it’s specifically requested, most Google Docs users choose to change page color because they enjoy it.

How to Change Color on Google Docs: A Step-by-Step Walkthrough

If you’d like to be able to change page color in Google Docs, but you don’t know where to start, not to worry, we’ll guide you through all the steps. And by learning how to do it, you’ll learn more about page setup in Google apps in general.

Step 1

The first thing you need to do is open a Google Doc file or create a new one. You can also upload a Word document in Google Docs. All you need to do for that is to navigate to File>Open>Upload and then select a file from your computer.

Step 2

Once you have your file ready, you can change the page color. Remember, you can change the color or whether there’s any text on the page or not. Select ‘File’ from the main toolbar. And from the drop-down menu, select ‘Page Setup.’

Google Docs change page color step 2

Step 3

A pop-up window will appear where you can edit everything related to your Google Docs page. At the bottom, you’ll see ‘Page Color’ and underneath the preset color of your Google Docs. Unless someone changed it before, it’s going to be white. Click on the little arrow, and a color palette will dropdown.

Google Docs change page color step 3

Step 4

You’ll see many shades of different colors to choose from. If they don’t seem right for your page in Google Docs, you can create a custom color. Note: you can change the page margin and page layout in this feature as well.

Step 5

Once you’ve selected the color that suits you best, click ‘OK.’ The page will automatically turn into the background color of your choosing. If you don’t like how it looks, you can always repeat the steps and change color.

Google Docs change page color step 5

Step 6

When you find the perfect color and hue for your Google Docs page, you can set it as the default color. All you need to do is go back to the ‘Page setup’ and select ‘Set as default’ option. That will save you from having to change page color every time you use Google Docs.

Google Docs change page color step 6


When you feel like it’s time to change page color on Google Docs, now you know that it will take just a few seconds to do. All the page related settings are under ‘File’ and then ‘Page setup.’ Hopefully, you’ll be able to navigate through with great speed.

After you have the color you want for your page, you can change the font or highlighter color. And remember that the color you choose will probably affect your mood in one way or another. The best thing about it is that you can always choose some other color option.

Kevin Kessler
Kevin J. Kessler is a published author of five fantasy novels, a professional wrestler, and a puppeteer (not all at the same time). Kevin is a content writer at Codeless.
Kevin Kessler
Kevin J. Kessler is a published author of five fantasy novels, a professional wrestler, and a puppeteer (not all at the same time). Kevin is a content writer at Codeless.