There are few things more frustrating than spending hours trying to upload a new blog post to your BigCommerce site.
Having to go in and edit messy HTML, manually set links to open in a new tab, and copy and paste image alt tags are all major time-sucks that only get worse with scale.
So what gives? Is there an easier way to connect Google Docs to your BigCommerce store for speedy content publishing.
As it turns out, there is. Keep reading to find out how.
The first step is easy: just do what you’re already doing.
Write, edit, and collaborate within your Google Doc as normal, add a product image or two, and optimize your post for the SERPs.
The second step isn’t a whole lot more difficult, either.
Here, we’re going to use Wordable to connect the BigCommerce app to your Google Drive account, so we can import directly from Google Docs.
You’ll need to authorize access for Google to see BigCommerce data, and vice versa. Once this is set up, you’re good to go.
Here’s where our BigCommerce integration can save you tens of hours a month.
Once you’ve selected the Google Doc you want to upload to BigCommerce, just tick the boxes to apply your desired transformations.
Wordable will automatically edit HTML code so it’s nice and clean (and so visitors to your ecommerce store can access pages quickly), but you’ll also be give the choice to:
And faster than you can ask your assistant to “send that post out to every existing customer”, your new article is live!
Still have a question or two? Find your answer below:
No, Google Docs does not have a blog template, primarily because blogs tend to vary in format and style.
The best practice here is to create your own blog template in Google Docs, and then create a copy of this each time you sit down to write a new post.
There’s a simple reason for connecting your Google Docs account to BigCommerce:
It’s a huge time saver.
You’ve spent hours crafting a tidy blog post template, writing and editing your new piece of content, and making sure your CTAs will lead customers through to your storefront and eventually out to the checkout page.
And then you need to spend at least another hour importing that content into your ecommerce platform.
At scale, this is costing you tens of hours every month. By connecting Google Docs to BigCommerce using Wordable, this will take you two minutes, tops.
$24k if you’re a content agency charging $100 an hour.
You do the hard work writing your content. Automate your Google Docs to WordPress publishing today.
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