WordPress - Wordable


Wordable + WordPress

Export content pieces to WordPress instantly

Cut soul-sucking formatting in WordPress from one hour to one minute.

Wordable + WordPress, a dynamic duo.

Ditch WordPress’
WYSIWYG forever

Stop reformatting content, uploading individual images, and dealing with crappy CMS editors.

Effortless formatting

Stop reformatting content, uploading individual images, and dealing with crappy CMS editors.

Connect to Wordable

Integrate instantly with Wordable to retrieve your content.

Export like a boss

No more formatting, alt tagging, compressing, and recreating what you already did to fit a clunky CMS. Just upload and export like a boss.

Publish with confidence

Organize your content right in Wordable with bulk uploads, and export them all at once, or one at a time. Whatever you fancy.

Bulk uploads / exports

Export everything at one time, with uniform or individual formatting applied, as drafts or published content.

One and done publishing

Select all the docs you want — in bulk — and automate the rest of the mind-numbing, tedious upload process.

These content-mavens use Wordable, will you?

Save time today by automating your publishing with Wordable

You do the hard work writing your content. Automate your Google Docs to WordPress publishing today.

Get Started Today
at only $29/year
30-day Satisfaction Guarantee

Save time today by automating your publishing with Wordable

You do the hard work writing your content. Automate your Google Docs to WordPress publishing today.
Get Started Today
30-day Satisfaction Guarantee